Patricia Bialek, Vice President of First Service Residential, was the speaker on November 27, 2018 at the Countyside Bank, 6734 Joliet Rd, Countryside, Illinois. Kristin Walker was the bank official that hosted the event. The topic was Building a Better Community, How to End Apathy?
The interested crowd was given a myriad of ideas on how to “pep up” the community. A power point presentation accompanied her energetic presentation.
Her main points included:
- Community Apathy is a bad habit .
- Community members need a “push cultivated by the Association leaders.
- Survey the community
- Employ the community website
- Newsletters and establishment of website with unit owners contributions.
- Constant Communications with unit owners.
- Establish Committees and Volunteers after points of interest are known through the results of the survey.
- Tap into the community “beavers” :Those who wish to contribute time.
- Listen to the suggestions and value each contribution.
- Have picnics, pool get-togethers organized by the committees.
- Tap into the community interests. Organize clubs of interest. Start traditions.
- Use the Community Clubhouse for social purposes as well as Association Meetings.
She gave not only suggestions but concrete examples on how to implement the suggestions.
Another resource was community businesses, realtors and local, state and Federal Officials and involvement in the ACTHA and CAI organizations.
The attendees walked away energized and eager to implement the ideas Patricia Bialek offered.
In conclusion one would summarize the plan for community building . Actions bring results. Involvement of all members of the Community is the formula. Reaching out to the community is the starting point of success. Using the talents of the community and seeking to value the contributions of the volunteers causes a cycle of involvement. Who wouldn’t want to try out these ideas?
The ACTHA Board of Directors wants to publicly thank Patricia Bialek for her contributions to ACTHA . Also ACTHA Board of Directors would like to thank Kristin Walker, of Countryside Bank for providing our members the location, dinner and refreshments for the evening.